The pen is absolutely mightier than the sword. I have been a little quiet lately. As I am sure you know if you are visiting this page, Hope, the fur child of Jon Henry has passed on. The two hardest things for me to process are forgiveness and loss/death. Especially when it is a senseless death. It always takes me back to many years ago when a friend of mine lost his daughter to SIDS. He was staying the night where I lived and I will never forget the moment of being woke up and running into the living room. 911 had already been called but I could not stand there and do nothing. I picked the child up and laid her on the floor to initiate CPR. I knew the moment I picked her up that there was no chance of that but I could not stand there and do nothing. After the ambulance arrived I took their other child outside for a walk just to get her away from the situation. Honestly, I think I needed out of there as well. I can remember being so angry but having nothing or no one to be angry with. It's an empty, dark, and helpless feeling. One that I have trouble shaking off.

I am here. I have been spending a lot of time the last 2 days working on the Preparedness sections of the page.

If you would like to read more about Hopes story there is a detailed article written by Sarah Boyles, Freelance Journalist ll that you can read here. Rest in peace, Hope. You were such a good girl.


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